I purchased this radio at the Portobello Road
market in London. It originates from about 1947 and is after more
than 50 years still in a very good condition, except for a lost
corner of the back panel at the upper right. I saw two more radios
of this model at the Camden Town market in London with the same
defect. I guess that the defect is caused by a burning out action of
the dropper resistor close to the damaged spot.
The housing is bakelite, two bands are being covered and 5 octal
type tubes are employed (CCH35, EF39, EBC33, CL33 and U31; the U31
is a Marconi tube, whereas the official schematic shows a Mullard
A special feature of this radio is that it is provided with an
internal antenna.
There were no traces at all of possible repair actions. After having
cleaned out the interior, I supplied 220 volts (in small steps) and
the loudspeaker produced a very strong sound on many spots of the
dial on both bands. The Bush DAC90 is a quite sensitive and
selective receiver.
I had to do some repair work on the fixations of the dropper
resistor and to glue a tear and fill a gap in the bakelite housing.
The mains connector plug was missing, but a nice person in the
London area was so kind as to send me this part.